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The Society for Creative Anachronism 

We are a small group of Scadians (SCA folk) who call the mountains of Allegany, Steuben, and Livingston Counties home. We offer a wide spectrum of activities, accepting people of all backgrounds, colors, and creeds and welcoming them to join us at our hearths for fun times and merriment.

Home: Welcome

Hail and Welcome!

Welcome to the 'Hart' of the Mountains!

Hartstone is a Shire in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc in the Society for Creative Anachronism. We are a group dedicated to recreating the Middle Ages in every way (And having fun doing it!). We do everything from archery and thrown weapons, to heavy weapons fighting on the ground and on horseback, illumination, weaving, bardic, fencing, dancing (court and belly), really anything you could dream up you'll find friends to do it with.


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We host and travel to Events great and small in our kingdom and others to celebrate what we love to do and the people who do those things with us. But from week to week we build our skills at home at fight practices, A&S work days, meetings, and gatherings. Look through the menu at the head of the page to find out where and when local, kingdom, and worldwide events are being held, what kind of regular practices are happening, or to get in contact with the Shire's Officers.

Home: Introduction

SCA Regulations 

Anti-Bullying Statement

THE SCA PROHIBITS HARASSMENT AND BULLYING OF ALL INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS. Participants engaging in this behavior are subject to appropriate sanctions. If you are subjected to harassment, bullying or retaliation, or if you become aware of anyone being harassed or bullied, contact a seneschal, President of the SCA, or your Kingdom’s Board Ombudsman.

Equity Vision Statement

Equity is just and fair inclusion into an organization in which all can participate, prosper, benefit, and reach their full potential. The Society for Creative Anachronism is committed to building a diverse and equitable organization. We recognize the history of oppression that has resulted in ongoing disparities for some communities, as well as the limitations of our nonprofit framework to address them. Yet, we have a powerful opportunity before us to create a welcoming place for all to participate in the research and education of pre 17th-century arts and sciences. We believe that the first step in doing this is to confront our own biases and operationalize our values.The SCA is committed to our own equity journey, the diversity of our membership, and the broader contributions both will have to an inclusive and equitable organization that champions chivalry and honor. We learn from history that for as many differences there are between us and those who lived centuries ago, there are an equal number of similarities. The same holds true to those who live now.The mission and vision we hold for the SCA moves us to build opportunities for learning, growth, and accountability. We want to be an organization that holds true to our Core Values.

SCA Statement of Core Values

In pursuing its mission, the SCA is committed to excellence in its programs, communications, and activities, and to• act in accordance with the chivalric virtues of honor and service;• value and respect the worth and dignity of all individuals;• practice inclusiveness and respect pluralism and diversity;• promote a safe and respectful environment for all SCA events;• act with transparency, fairness, integrity, and honesty;• be a responsible steward of SCA resources; and,• be committed to maintaining the trust of its members and participants.It is the expectation of the SCA that its members and participants, in all events and activities of the SCA, will conduct themselves in accordance with these tenets.

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